SHOES (Weber and Smalley, 1916)
Milestone Films, Blu-ray, Release Date Feb 6, 2018
Review by Christopher S. Long
Lois Weber may not be a
widely-recognized name today, but in the silent era she was described
by the industrial press not only as the top “woman director” but
simply as one of the top directors in America. Known best for her
socially earnest “problem films” from 1914-1921 (her career
extended into the sound era, however), Weber was, at her peak, the
highest paid director at Universal, and was also considered one of
the young industry's major innovators. In the words of film scholar
Shelly Stamp, Weber was viewed as one of the “three great minds”
of early American cinema along with D.W. Griffith and Cecil B.
Weber's reputation has since been
eclipsed by her male peers for reasons both complex (the lapsing of a
distribution deal with Paramount in 1922, health problems) and
predictably simple (take a guess), but Milestone Films has made it
their latest mission to remedy her unfair marginalization. Their
Blu-ray release of the silent feature “Shoes” (1916), which Weber
co-directed with husband and business partner Phillips Smalley, makes
a convincing argument that many of us have been missing out on a
special talent.
Based on a short story by Stella Wynne
Herron which itself was inspired by the writing of social reformer
Jane Addams, “Shoes” relates the straightforward story of
working-class girl Eva Mayer, who toils all day but still can't save
enough money to buy a desperately needed new pair of shoes. Each
night, she rips away her makeshift cardboard soles and cuts out new
ones so she can trudge through the rain-soaked streets of Los Angeles
to her dead-end job at a five-and-dime store, only to hand all her
earnings over to her mother to help support their large family.
Weber emphasizes the everyday plight of
the working-class woman, but her focus on social realism still allows
room for some highly stylized flourishes, including a literal “hand
of poverty” reaching down to strangle young Eva in a nightmare. Eva
doesn't merely wallow helplessly in her plight either, a mere sad
sack intended to generate audience sympathy. She rages at her lazy
no-good father who lays about all day reading instead of beating the
streets to find a job. The soles of his shoes aren't nearly so worn.
And she fends off the wolves as nobly and for as long as she can.
Eva is portrayed by one of Weber's
discoveries, 16-year-old Mary MacLaren, plucked from the stage for
the start of a film career that would extend into the 1940s. The
teenager brings a poise and gravitas beyond her years to the role,
rendering the moment (teased in the film's opening sequence) when she
finally sells herself for that pair of shoes all the more poignant. A
medium close-up on Eva as she sits in the Blue Goose Club and a man's
hand caresses her shoulder is genuinely chilling. Though the plot is
fairly standard-issue melodrama for most of the film, the ending
achieves a kind of transcendence when mother reacts with
understanding and compassion to her “fallen” daughter, all while
a genuinely clueless father fails to understand why everyone isn't
paying more attention to him. Even in the immediate aftermath of
great personal tragedy, life must and will go on.
Another reason Weber's fame has been
obscured over the years is that so few of her films have survived.
“Shoes” is one of the few exceptions, but its continued existence
has been a perilous one, The restoration of this film, helmed by the
EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam, was sourced from two different nitrate
prints (one tinted, one toned) and also partially from a safety copy
of the short re-edited “spoof” version of the film released as
“Unshod Maiden” in 1932 (see Extras below).
The nitrate prints remained
structurally intact, but suffered from considerable bacterial damage,
resulting in white spots throughout the print. In one scene, these
spots consume most of the frame, but in the majority of scenes, they
lurk along the edges. Even considerable restoration efforts can only
clean up so much. But even with this invasive damage, the image has
the soft, luminous quality you only get from nitrate prints of this
era, so beautiful, so damn flammable.
Composers Donald Sosin and Mimi Rabson
have provided a new score for the release of this silent film, and it
sounds great.
As always, Milestone has unearthed a
bevy of extras on this release.
Let me start with one of the most
remarkable and startling extra features I've ever seen. Remarkable,
of course, does not automatically imply good. “Unshod Maiden”
(1932, 10 min.) is a “Universal Brevity,” a short-lived (though
not short-lived enough) series in which old silent films in the
company catalog were sharply cut down and then re-purposed with new
voice-over tracks.
A smug male narrator cracks one snarky
joke after another over re-cut footage of “Shoes”, heaping
derision on Eva, now identified as Mary: “In Mary's inmost soul,
she felt like a heel.” The scumbag narrator transforms this tragedy
about an impoverished woman driven to prostitution into a comedy,
with the final punchline, “And that's how Mary learned to play the
saxophone.” You'll want to reach back 85 years and strangle this
In an accompanying feature (7 min.),
film scholar Richard Koszarski explains the motivation behind this
Universal Brevities line, released at a time (just a few years into
the sound era!) when silent films were viewed, by some money-grubbing
studio execs at least, as hopelessly antiquated and useful only as
objects for the vastly more sophisticated audiences of 1932 to mock.
In other words, people never change.
The feature “Shoes” is accompanied
by a commentary track by film scholar Shelley Stamp, author of “Lois
Weber in Early Hollywood” and it's a top notch effort in every way.
In addition, Milestone has included an audio interview with actress
Mary MacLaren as a second audio commentary option though, of course,
the interview does not correspond to the film the way most
commentaries do. It was conducted in 1971 by Richard Koszarski.
We also get two short features about
the restoration of the film by the EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam,
running five minutes apiece.
The copy on the back of the Blu-ray
also mentions the inclusion of the short film “The Price” (1911,
13 min.), written by and starring Lois Weber and husband Phillips
Smalley. However, the film didn't make the disc, but has been made
available online instead by Milestone at this link.
Final Thoughts:
“Shoes” tells a fairly conventional
melodrama with efficiency, visual panache, and a moral force that
becomes undeniable by the film's potent conclusion. Young Mary
MacLaren is exceptional too. Milestone's release includes both the
restored film and an impressive array of extras. I can't wait for
Mileston'e upcoming release of “The Dumb Girl of Portici” (1916),
starring legendary Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. I've already seen
the movie and it's great – Milestone's Blu-ray release promises to
be something special and should be available soon.
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